Thursday, September 28, 2023

Word or word?

Which is our final, absolute authority? The Word (capital W = Jesus Christ) or the word (lower case = written scripture)?

Jesus said the written word is the ultimate authority. You wouldn't know who Jesus was without the written word. John 12:47-48 for example.
God says the written word is not only "very pure" (Ps 119:140), but a higher authority than His holy name and more sure than the actual voice of God (2 Pet 1:19).
Without the written word, they don't know who Jesus is or what is required for salvation.
Anybody can say anything about what "Jesus" told them - but the written word is there for everybody to see and confirm.
There are plenty of fake Jesuses (Mark 13:21). How do we know which one is the right one? By His written word! So the most important thing in the universe becomes - which word is the right one?

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