Friday, November 30, 2012


The Hebrew word for "sodomite" is qAdesh. The Hebrew word for "holy" is qOdesh. In other words, the consonants for both words are exactly the same. Only a slight difference in the vowel alters the meaning of the word.

That is, what was once holy is now unclean. What was once right is now wrong. Ergo, the OPPOSITE of holy, pure, good, righteous, etc., is mandated here.

Sodomite covers that meaning perfectly, especially since the account of Sodom and Gomorrah was displayed before the term was ever used. That is, the term "sodomite" was particularly defined by the events of Genesis where God's judgment came on Sodom for the men having relations with men. We know what a "sodomite" is because it was elaborately defined already.

I have no idea what a shrine prostitute is. I have never seen one. Neither did the writers of the other ancient versions. Additionally, a sodomite would be led to think he was not engaged in sin, so long as he was not selling himself at a shrine.

The Latin Vulgate uses the word "effemenati", making it obvious how they viewed the Hebrew word "qadesh". The German Luther Bible used the word "Hurer" which means lecher or a male fornicator. There are several different Greek words employed for the Hebrew qadesh here in the so-called LXX, yet each one implies "sodomite" which is no doubt why Brenton's English translation of the LXX renders the Greek into English as "sodomite".

In short, the word "sodomite" is as old as the English language, and its meaning is clear. A shrine prostitute - whatever that is - does not accurately convey the meaning. I do not find anywhere in the Genesis account that the men of Sodom were hanging around shrines. I do not find the word shrine or any implication thereof in the Sodom and Gomorrah account. I do remember that it was the "MEN" of Sodom who were "wicked before the Lord".

adapted from Scott Jones

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